

姓名 吳宗謀
職稱 教授
信箱 tm.wu@mail.feu.edu.tw
學歷 國立成功大學機械工程博士


  • The Founder of International eJournal Publications
  • The Editor of International eJournal of Engineering Mathematics: Theory and Application


  • 創意思考與設計方法
  • 機構構造及尺寸設計


[1] T.M. Wu, A study of convergence on the Newton-homotopy continuation method, Applied Mathematics and Computation 168 (2005) 1169-1174. (SCI)
[2] T.M. Wu, A modified formula of ancient Chinese algorithm by the homotopy continuation technique, Applied Mathematics and Computation 165 (2005) 31-35. (SCI)
[3] T.M. Wu, A new formula of solving nonlinear equations by Adomian and homotopy methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation 172 (2006) 903-907. (SCI)
[4] T.M. Wu, Solving the nonlinear equations by the Newton-homotopy continuation method with adjustable auxiliary homotopy function, Applied Mathematics and Computation 173 (2006) 383-388. (SCI)
[5] T.M. Wu, The inverse kinematics problem of spatial 4P3R robot manipulator by the homotopy continuation method with adjustable auxiliary homotopy function, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 64 (2006) 2373-2380. (SCI)
[6] T.M. Wu, The Secant-homotopy continuation method, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 (2007) 888-892. (SCI)
[7] T.M. Wu, The kinematics design problems, Journal of Applied Sciences 4 (2004) 398-405. (EI)
[8] T.M. Wu, Searching all the roots of inverse kinematics problem of robot by homotopy continuation method, Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2005) 666-673. (EI)
[9] T.M. Wu, Non-linear solution of function generation of planar four-link mechanisms by homotopy continuation method, Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2005) 724-728. (EI)
[10] T.M. Wu, A technique to avoid divergence for the planar and spatial Newton-homotopy continuation method, Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2005) 1036-1040. (EI)
[11] I.P. Chu, T.M. Wu, The kinematics design with the secant-homotopy continuation method, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 31 (2010) 347-351. (SCI)
【Graphical operation method】
[11] T.M. Wu, C.K. Chen, Graphical operation of vectors and matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation 149 (2004) 259-276. (SCI)
[12] T.M. Wu, C.K. Chen, Kinematics Representations of Graphical Operation Methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation 155 (2004) 573-590. (SCI)
[13] I-Peng Chu, T.M. Wu, Analysis of Gyroscopic Motion with Graphical Operation Approach, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 2 (2007) 487-503.
【Matrix theory and application】
[14] T.M. Wu, One-to-one mapping matrix, Applied Mathematics and Computation 169 (2005) 963-970. (SCI)
[15] T.M. Wu, Y.G. Chen, C.K. Chen, The analyses of kinematic errors and sensitivities with modified 44 transformation matrices, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 18 (2005) 137-147. (Mathematical Reviews)
[16] T.M. Wu, Geometric mapping matrices, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 18 (2005) 305-312. (Mathematical Reviews)
【Computer theory and application】
[17] T.M. Wu, C.K. Chen, Mathematical model and its simulation of exactly mechanism synthesis with adjustable link, Applied Mathematics and Computation 160 (2005) 309-316. (SCI)
[18] T.M. Wu, C.K. Chen, Computer-aided curvature analyses of planar four-bar linkage mechanism, Applied Mathematics and Computation 168 (2005) 1175-1188. (SCI)
[19] Y.Z. Wang, T.M. Wu, Some mathematical models for deciding the number of examination questions on computerized adaptive tests, Applied Mathematics and Computation 180 (2006) 178-184. (SCI)
[20] T.M. Wu, Computer-aided Deflection and Slope Analyses of Beams, Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (2006) 333-339. (EI)
[1] 機械設計實務 – 機構與機械手設計,吳宗謀、陳朝光,全華,2005。
[2] 創意生活與設計,吳宗謀、陳朝光,普林斯頓國際有限公司,2005。
[3] 智慧財產權,吳宗謀、陳朝光,普林斯頓國際有限公司,2006。
[4] 多媒體與網頁設計,吳宗謀,文魁資訊股份有限公司,2006。
[5] 圖形運算法,吳宗謀、陳朝光,第一數位典藏股份有限公司,2010。
[6] 創意機構設計,吳宗謀,滄海書局,2013。
【Before 2004】
[1] T.M. Wu, C.K. Chen, Application of graphical operation method to the dynamics and relative-motion problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation 132 (2002) 205-218. (SCI)
[2] T.M. Wu, Extension of graphical operation method to the sensitivity and error response of robot manipulators, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 23 (2002) 261-270. (SCI)
[3] T.M. Wu, Application of matrix transformation method to the 3-D kinematics and uniform flow problems, International Mathematical Journal 2 (2002) 1217-1225.
[4] T.M. Wu, Computer-aided plane stresses analyses, International Mathematical Journal 3 (2003) 263-276.
[5] 許顯榮, 吳宗謀, 鐘明吉, 創造力中心網站的規劃與發展方向, 嘉義大學創意開發學術研討會 (2002) 217-223.
[6] 周卓明, 吳宗謀, 創造力的訓練與培養 - 學校教育與創造力之培養, 嘉義大學創意開發學術研討會 (2002) 261-282.
